Catholic Health
Welcome to the Online Benefits Center
Accident Insurance

Major injuries are painful. But the financial impact of the medical treatment doesn’t have to be.

Accidents happen. You can’t always prevent them, but you can take steps to reduce the financial impact, which is often substantial. Met Life's Accident Insurance can help cover the out-of-pocket medical expenses and extra bills that can follow an accident.

The total benefit you receive is based on the type of injury, its severity and the medical services you received in treatment and recovery.

Employees can enroll in the Voluntary Benefits when they are newly eligible or during Annual Open Enrollment. Employees will not be able to make mid-year changes to Voluntary Benefits.

The plan pays benefits for a variety of injuries and accident-related expenses, including:

  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Hospitalization
  • Physical Therapy
  • Emergency Room Treatment
  • Transportation

    Plan Features:

  • Benefits are paid for accidents that occur on and off the job.
  • You can elect to cover your spouse and children.
  • There are no health questions or physical exams required.
  • Coverage is portable, which means you can take your policy with you if you change jobs or retire.

    Health Screening Benefits

    Health screenings are an important part of managing your health. That's why your Accident insurance coverage from MetLife provides an additional Health Screening Benefit1 (HSB) for covered screenings and tests. Now, everyone who's enrolled — you, your spouse, and dependent children — can earn an extra benefit just for taking care of their health.

    Here’s an example of how it works

    Susan's doctor conducts a blood test to determine total cholesterol, which is one of the many screenings or tests covered by MetLife. Afterward, Susan contacts MetLife by calling 1-800-GET-MET8 to submit her HSB claim. All Susan needs to provide is her physician's name, phone number and address, plus the test and the date it was completed. A check for Susan's HSB benefit payment is on the way within a few business days once her claim is processed. It’s that easy!

    Claiming your Health Screening Benefit is as simple as 1-2-3

    1. Call 1-800-GET-MET8 (800-438-6388)
    2. Provide a few details, including:
    - The healthcare provider's name, address, and phone number
    - The screening/test and the date it was completed
    - Address where the test/screening was performed
    3. Receive your HSB payment. (Checks are typically issued within a few business days once your claim has been processed). You can submit multiple claims for your spouse or dependent children, all on one call.

    Documents and Forms

    Click here and then select Accident Insurance.

  • The information in this website is intended to provide highlights of the Benefits of Caring program, but in no way do the descriptions presented in this website supersede the provisions contained within the Catholic Health & Welfare Benefits Plan (the “Plan”), or the Plan’s Summary Plan Description, or any relevant insurance contract. In the event of any discrepancies, the actual provisions of the relevant insurance contract Plan document will prevail. Employees represented by a union should contact their union or HR benefits representative as applicable for benefit information. Catholic Health, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to amend or discontinue any or all of the benefits under the Plan and any or all of the programs within its Benefits Program at any time. Participation in the Benefits of Caring Program does not give you any right to continued employment. In addition, note that this Plan is intended and designed to be administered consistent with the tenets of the Catholic faith. Therefore, the Plan will not cover any costs or benefits that do not comply with the Ethical and Religious Directives of the Catholic Church.